Software / Operating System →Windows 10 RS5 Lite Edition v8 (X86) Pre-Activated 2019
Published by: kalpatru on 11-02-2019, 06:17 | 0

Windows 10 RS5 Lite Edition v8 (X86) Pre-Activated 2019 | x86 | Language:English | File Size: 1.65 GB
Windows 10 is a series of personal computer operating systems produced by Microsoft as part of its Windows NT family of operating systems. It is the successor to Windows 8.1, and was released to manufacturing on July 15, 2015, and to retail on July 29, 2015. Windows 10 receives new releases on an ongoing basis, which are available at no additional cost to users. Devices in enterprise environments can receive these updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support milestones that only receive critical updates, such as security patches, over their ten-year lifespan of extended support.
Details Special ISO:
Modified ISO:Win.10.Lite.Edition.v8.2019
Build:Redstone 5
Features Enabled:3.5 NetFramework
Convert Mode:Install.wim<Install.esd
Size:1,65 GB (1.779.996.672 byte)
Activation:Hwid generator v55 ( activated for 20 years )
Theme:Dark theme Added on rs5
Support - WhiteDeath -
Apps Include on ISO:
Firefox Setup 65.0
Black Viper Services for Best Perfomance
Removed components:
Removed: Microsoft | volsnap.inf
Removed: 3DBuilder
Removed: Accessibility tools
Removed: Advertising.Xaml
Removed: Auto-Rotation Manager
Removed: AutoPlay
Removed: BingWeather
Removed: BioEnrollment
Removed: Cache and temp files
Removed: Contact Data
Removed: ContactSupport
Removed: ContentDeliveryManager
Removed: Cortana
Removed: CortanaListenUIApp
Removed: DesktopAppInstaller
Removed: DVD Play
Removed: Ease Of Access Themes
Removed: Kernel Debugging
Removed: LockApp
Removed: Manifest Backup (WinSxS\Backup)
Removed: Manual Setup
Removed: Messaging
Removed: Microsoft3DViewer
Removed: MicrosoftEdge
Removed: MicrosoftOfficeHub
Removed: MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
Removed: MicrosoftStickyNotes
Removed: MiracastView
Removed: NET.Native.Framework.1.3
Removed: NET.Native.Runtime.1.3
Removed: NET.Native.Runtime.1.4
Removed: Office.OneNote
Removed: On-Screen Keyboard (Accessibility tools)
Removed: OneConnect
Removed: OneDrive
Removed: Other Themes
Removed: Paint 3D
Removed: People
Removed: Photos
Removed: PlayReady
Removed: Retail Demo Content
Removed: Screensavers
Removed: Setting Sync
Removed: Shared PC mode
Removed: Skype ORTC
Removed: SkypeApp
Removed: SmartScreen
Removed: Sound Themes
Removed: Sounds (Default)
Removed: Speech TTS
Removed: Steps Recorder
Removed: StorePurchaseApp
Removed: System Restore
Removed: Text prediction
Removed: Tablet PC
Removed: On-Screen Keyboard (Tablet PC)
Removed: Tips (Get Started)
Removed: Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov)
Removed: User Data Access
Removed: User Data Storage
Removed: VCLibs.140.00
Removed: Volume Shadow Copy
Removed: Wallet
Removed: WindowPicker
Removed: Windows Backup
Removed: Block Level Backup Service Engine
Removed: Windows Biometric Service
Removed: Windows Disc Image Burning Tool
Removed: Windows Error Reporting
Removed: Windows Insider Hub
Removed: Windows Mixed Reality
Removed: Windows Recovery
Removed: Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT)
Removed: WindowsAlarms
Removed: WindowsCalculator
Removed: WindowsCamera
Removed: windowscommunicationsapps
Removed: WindowsFeedbackHub
Removed: WindowsMaps
Removed: WindowsSoundRecorder
Removed: WindowsStore
Removed: Xbox App
Removed: XboxGameCallableUI
Removed: XboxGameOverlay
Removed: XboxIdentityProvider
Removed: XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
Removed: ZuneMusic
Removed: ZuneVideo
Removed: Speech Recognition
Removed: Tablet PC
and many more removed..
1) This is not a full windows 10 pro and is not meant too be for anymore than internet and other things people want too for example:virtual machine/notebooks etc...if you ask me if is for gaming i will say i dont recommended...
2)for photviwer find 3rd party tools or make default the old one..
3)this is full cut windows 10 rs5 so maybe is coming with issues maybe with some bugs..
4)Do you want me make more lite than he is i could make it by remove the languages let me know..
5)languages:you can install and type languages but you can't install the full languages atleast online i didnt try install them offline.
6)do it with your own risk...
Whats New:
All Updates Installed/Integrated:
The New v8 lite edition is full maded and upgraded from the last rs4 v7 to v8 rs5
KB4470788:Servicing stack update
KB4476976:Cumulative Update OS Build 17763.292)
KB4480056:Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.7.2
KB4480979:Security update for Adobe Flash Player: January 8, 2019
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