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Templates15 Textile Patterns Factory Brushes & Swatches for Procreate

15 Textile Patterns Factory Brushes & Swatches for Procreate
15 Textile Patterns Factory Brushes & Swatches for Procreate

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Templates21 Brush Patterns for Photoshop

21 Brush Patterns for Photoshop
21 Brush Patterns for Photoshop
Photoshop PAT | 7 MB

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TemplatesBusiness Cards PSD Mockups Collection

Business Cards PSD Mockups Collection
Business Cards PSD Mockups Collection
2 Photoshop PSD | 2000 x 2250 px | Layered | Smart Object | 39 MB

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TemplatesCorporate Identity PSD Mockups

Corporate Identity PSD Mockups
Corporate Identity PSD Mockups
Photoshop PSD | 2000 x 2250 px | Layered | Smart Object | 181 MB

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TemplatesJoomla JoomlArt Templates [04.2019]

Joomla JoomlArt Templates [04.2019]
Joomla JoomlArt Templates [04.2019] | 10.16 GB

In the distribution there are all paid templates from JoomlArt studio for joomla 3.x + JaBuilder

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TemplatesAwesome Bundle : 24 Creative Display Fonts + 12 Various Graphics Sets !

Awesome Bundle : 24 Creative Display Fonts + 12 Various Graphics Sets !
Awesome Bundle : 24 Creative Display Fonts + 12 Various Graphics Sets !
24 TTF | 24 OTF / 38 Ai | 38 EPS | 28 PSD | 7/369 MB

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Templates9 Awesome Photoshop Text Effects

9 Awesome Photoshop Text Effects
9 Awesome Photoshop Text Effects
9 Photoshop PSD | CS3+ | Smart Objects | 165 MB

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Templates4 Dramatic Photo PSD Effects

4 Dramatic Photo PSD Effects
4 Dramatic Photo PSD Effects
Photoshop PSD | 4 Creative Photo Effects | 4000 x 3000 px | Smart-Object | 148 MB

Discover the magic of adding some drama to your photos with these 4 creative photo effects in Photoshop. The pack comes with 4 different effects: Light Rays, Sneak Peak, Outdoor Botanical and Psychedelic.

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TemplatesShopping Mall Bi-Fold Brochure PSD Templates

Shopping Mall Bi-Fold Brochure PSD Templates
Shopping Mall Bi-Fold Brochure PSD Templates
2 Photoshop PSD | 300 dpi / CMYK | Font Included | 150 MB

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Templates10 Lightning Overlays for Photoshop

10 Lightning Overlays for Photoshop
10 Lightning Overlays for Photoshop
10 JPG | 3500 x 2200 px | 18 MB

Lightning effect in Photoshop is so easy to create! No need for lightning Photoshop brushes. Simply add the lightning texture over your image and set the blend mode to Screen. These textures are useful for creating all kinds of effects like energy effect, electric Photoshop effect, strike effect, electricity and so on. Create a rainy day in Photoshop. Make the storm realistic by adding lightnings in just a few seconds. You can combine the texture overlay with electricity Photoshop brushes.

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